
Anglers helping Anglers

Please help us help other Anglers

Berkley Leonard

We are currently helping The Leonard Family;

The Recipients:

Berkley Leonard was born on March 10 weighing 1 pound 14 ounces at 27 weeks. She is now at St. Louis Children’s Hospital and recently had her ventilator tube replaced with a trach and Gfeeding tube. She is one tough little girl and is getting stronger everyday.

Berkley’s parents, Pete and Hasin Leonard, are both school teachers in SW Missouri. Pete is also a fishing guide and works seven days a week to support his family. Recently it was determined that Berkley would need round the clock in-home nursing care for the foreseeable future once she leaves the hospital.

The Leonard family is in the process of converting their garage into an apartment for the nurses to stay in while they are giving Berkley the care she needs. On top of the incredible medical expense they are facing the family now needs to raise funds to complete these renovations. Your donations will go to help the Leonards to pay not just medical expenses but other costs involved in giving Berkley the care she needs.